About Frosti

Brief introduction

Frosti is a static blog template created by EveSunMaple using Astro, designed to replace bloated Hexo. The author is only a high school student, and there are many imperfections in this template that need to be modified. If you are interested, please visit the Github repository.


  • Mar 17, 2024

    Project creation, building the prototype.

  • Mar 23, 2024

    Basic page construction completed, add comment system.

  • Mar 31, 2024

    First large-scale article testing.

  • Apr 5, 2024

    Using Tailwind CSS and daisyUI.

  • Apr 13, 2024

    Add Code Copy Button.

  • Apr 14, 2024

    Add Mathematical Formula Renderer(rehypeKatex).

  • Mar 31, 2024

    Add README, add components, release version 1.0.0!


    Add Table of Contents.